Sovereign Christ Fellowship Statement of Faith & Belief

Statement of Faith & Belief

Our Believe:

  1. We believe that the Bible is the authoritative and infallible word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. That the scripture is living and powerful and is able to make us wise. Therefore, the central focus for our teaching and learning is the Bible.
  1. We believe there is only one God eternally in existence who is all-supreme, all-sovereign, all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing. He is one Triune God, self-existing, and self-revealing as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe that God created heavens and earth through His Son Jesus Christ and with the fullness of the power of His Spirit and all powers in heaven, on earth, and under the earth belong to God.
  1. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, He is the Messiah and Savior of the world and that in Him and through Him, we are saved, and through Him, all things were created in heavens and on earth, both things visible and invisible, and without Him nothing was made. Jesus Christ came as a once-for-all living sacrifice for the sin of man to reconcile us to the Father. We believe that at the appointed time, He would return on the last day to rapture His own to a place He has prepared for us. He will come in His visible bodily form to judge mankind.
  1. We believe that the central pinnacle of the gospel of Jesus Christ is His love for mankind which He  demonstrated by His death on the cross, His burial, His resurrection and His ascension to glory. He resurrected and ascended in His bodily form into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God the Father.
  1. We believe that the Holy Spirit is God Himself in His divine nature, dwelling in everyone that believes. He teaches, empowers, comforts, convicts, judges, helps, and leads all those He has begotten as children of God.
  1. We believe In the baptism of the Holy Spirit as well as His accompanying empowerment for the kingdom enrichment. We believe that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, as well as speaking in tongues. 
  1. We believe in water baptism by immersion into a body of water, representing the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross; His death and resurrection.  
  1. We believe in the holy ordinance of the Holy Communion sacrament as exemplified by our Lord Jesus Christ in Luke 22:17-22 and instructed by Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:23-26
  1. We believe that marriage should only be between a natural born male and a natural born female. We believe that marriage between a man and a man or a woman and a woman is unscriptural and therefore constitutes a sin. In SCF, we believe that the institution of marriage is a covenant relationship ordained by God and must be practiced exclusively between one man and one woman, as instructed by the scripture. Any interaction or relationship outside the boundary set by God is considered sinful, of which SCF does not support.  
  1. We believe in the existence of heaven as the final eternal place for the children of God and hell as the final eternal resting place for Satan and those that serve him. We also believe in judgment  for the wicked.